"A long time ago, Designer TJP helped fabricate Licensed Production Vaders at MBPfx.com" for Clients like Fry's Electronics
Designer TJP sewing at MBPfx Shop


 FX Artist Tuck John Porter a.k.a. Designer TJP, assisted other known FX Technicians like Cleve Hall and Hill Vinot in the creation of the Diablo III Demon Hunter Costume seen at Blizzcon. Below is some sensual art, from Tuck, on Demon Hunter from his private collection.

Demon Hunter Sensual Art by Designer TJP

Los Angeles Artist Tuck John Porter a.k.a. Designer TJP is available for Costume Illustration and Fabrication.

Designer TJP Resume
Mace_wYoda Anime Display eMail me about the Item
Tuck John Porter is Designer TJP who is The Costume Pimp of Hollywood.
2011 Designer TJP       website: http://www.DesignerTJP.com